Blog 5 As I told you earlier at the beginning of this confrontation I was in the form of a richly garbed prince. I was wearing a deep purple robe and many jewels such as rubies and diamonds. I was also wearing a band of gold around my wrist. The pirates that abducted me were so ugly I almost went blind. They had scraggily beards and their cloths were dirtier than mud. Then there was the smell it was horrendous. Rotten fish and ale is what they smelled of and it was almost enough to kill me. The captain of the ship was a burly man with very wide shoulders. his beard wad almost enough to rival the Titan king Cronus. The rest of the crew were also burley but not as much as the captain. That is their physical aspects, and that makes them seem pretty bad but when you look at how they acted I am amazed that the had the capacity in their thick skulls to function as something more than a single celled organism. I would say that mister wooden eye from "Pirates of the Caribbean" had more brains than those lunkheads.
Wooden eye |
Cronus the Titan
By the way you wallowing, complaining, Greek idiot. You may want to consider that his name is Raggeti, not "wooden eye".